AGOMedia si Grupul Roman al Tinerilor Gastroenterologi din Romania va invita la a 4-a editie a Congresului Medical cu participare internationala “Bucharest Live Endoscopy” ce va avea loc in perioada 11-13 MAI 2023, la Novotel City Center Bucuresti.
Evenimentul are statut de Curs de Educatie Medicala Continua si va fi creditat cu puncte EMC.
Inspiring and also engaging, the event promises to deliver the newest discoveries in the endoscopy interventional field and spark curiosity about new procedures and technological breakthroughs in 2023
All attendees will take part at Live Broadacsting Sessions of Clinical Cases from the Digestive Endoscopy Unit hosted by the Emergency Hospital Bucharest.
The Digestive Endoscopy Unit is focused on interventional endoscopy and urgent endoscopy.
Pentru mai multe informatii despre eveniment si pentru inregistrare, va rugam sa accesati site-ul Bucharest Live Endoscopy
Pentru alte detalii:, 0745 530 100.