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Conferinta Internationala a Societatii Romane de Fiziopatologie

4 septembrie 2019 - 7 septembrie 2019

Professor Ovidiu S. Cotoi, MD, PhD President of the conference President of the Romanian Society of Pathophysiology


On behalf on the Romanian Society of Pathophysiology I have a great honor and pleasure to invite you to the 11-th National Conference of Pathophysiology what will be take place on 4-th-7-th September 2019 at Târgu Mureș. The conference is organized in partnership with the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Tîrgu Mureș.

The major scientific topics of this conference are:
1. Pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases
2. Pathopysiology of metabolic and nutritional diseases
3. Pathophysiology of cancer
4. Varia

The scientific program includes conferences, symposiums, round tables, oral presentations and e-poster. The topics discussed are of great interest for both fundamental research and clinical pathophysiology. A novelty at the conference this year is represented by the special section dedicated to doctoral students and master students. The official languages of the conference: English and Romanian.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Tirgu Mureș!


4 septembrie 2019
Se termină:
7 septembrie 2019


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