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Simpozion Boli Inflamatorii Cronice

15 septembrie 2022 - 17 septembrie 2022

Dear friends,

This year`s congress will be held under the auspices of normality, after more than two years of COVID pandemic. We all had to face unprecedented challenges, but as in any crisis there are also opportunities, it was an opportunity to develop the national register of inflammatory bowel diseases (in the spirit of the accelerated digitalization of medicine), to participate in the creation of guidelines for treatment and vaccination, to take a more serious look at the patient reported outcomes scores (and I recommend you to see the posters on this topic).

As usual, we have this year our French colleagues for the fifth edition of the already classic FrenchRomanian course on inflammatory bowel diseases. It is going to be an extremely interesting course, centered on clinical cases and tips and tricks and I am sure of its success.

This year`s program of the congress is very promising and given that we now have access to almost all the new molecules, I think it will be an opportunity to recapitulate the treatment guidelines and to adopt on a large scale the personalized therapy centered on the specific patient need.

The efforts for the national registry must continue and I am very happy that starting this year will have a stronger collaboration with pediatric gastroenterologists and they will join us in order to build the registry especially with the increased incidence of IBD in pediatric population. I hope that soon we will be able to see the first publications with the Romanian experience in IBD- the effectiveness of new therapies in real life, up-to-date epidemiological data, the cost effectiveness of therapy, adherence to treatment and the list can go on. I think that such a registry will be of great help, including in the shaping of health policies in the future.

I want to thank the industry for their institutional and academic support. I think they have an important role in supporting medical education and it is a joint effort to insure access to tests and therapies for our patients.

Last but not least, I want to thank you dear colleagues for the involvement and effort you make every day in the service of the IBD patients.
A fruitful and interesting congress!
Congress President
Lucian Negreanu


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15 septembrie 2022
Se termină:
17 septembrie 2022
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