Dear colleagues and friends,
We have the pleasure of inviting you at a new edition of the Romanian-Italian Gastroenterology Meeting 2023 which will take place from 09th to 11th of March, in the beautiful city of Transylvania – Cluj-Napoca. The event is organized under the aegis of the Romanian Society for Neurogastroenterology (SRNG) and with the support of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj.
The meeting is a token of friendship and collaboration between gastroenterologists of two countries, frequently perceived as “sisters”. Indeed, common history, tradition, vocabulary and even personality traits brought together since centuries Italians and Romanians. In the field of digestive diseases, there is a common interest on collaboration that was not limited to bilateral meetings. Many personal friendship ties developed between us.
We hope to continue the series of periodical scientific reunions, allowing us to reciprocally know the state-of-arts in gastroenterology and culture of both countries.
We encourage all participants to actively participate in the exchange of medical knowledge and sharing research findings, having the opportunity to interact with the guest speakers.
We invite you to take advantage of every moment of this scientific event and the beauties of the city.
Best regards,